The Stars That Took me to China & Chaoyang Theater Acrobatics

Posted on February 23, 2015 By

The stars have a different story for everyone, and mine was ultimately connected with the most unlike of things, the acrobatics show at Chaoyang Theater. This is the very beginning towards my passion to theatre performance, but more about that a little later. What’s interesting is that all the stories are connected to each other. It’s…

Reflection of The Stars

Posted on February 19, 2015 By

Sometimes I wonder, if the stars are following me or am I following the stars. The answer much lie in somewhere between. That is, between sky and earth where the real action happens. It’s like the stars are looking down upon us, and we are looking up upon them. This creates a reflection on earth,…

When the World Strikes Midnight

Posted on February 12, 2015 By

I have always loved the night time as it brings out special characteristics and a exceptional sensitivity. The reasons behind it, is that most minds are sleeping during this time. In astronomy it becomes clear that everything is connected with everything. And it’s not just the planets, but especially what people are doing in this…